
Your love for animals can be deadly – Rabies

Rabies is still a deadly disease in developing and under-developed countries, where the health facilities and living standards are low. People normally do not get their farm animals or pets or themselves vaccinated until exposed.

Carrier animals can be your pet cat or dog, animals on-farm, or wild animal. If you are an explorer, traveler, or camper who is keen on nature and wild animals, you are at high risk of encountering wild boars, beavers, and bats.

The viral disease is often confused with the common cold as the early symptoms of Rabies are somewhat similar to it. As the disease progresses and the symptoms get severe. Rabies is often characterized by the symptom of hydrophobia, fear of water.

Nearly about 56k people die every year, due to Rabies, with more than 95%being affected in Africa and Asia.
Out of these global deaths, 40% of the mortality rate is among children under 15 years.

Let us take a moment and appreciate the work of the greatest scientist of all times, Alexander Fleming, who saved us from a horrid viral disease, Rabies. Initially, on exposure to rabies infection, the person was vaccinated for more than 20 injections but with the advancement in clinical researches and healthcare, the dosage has reduced to 14 Immunoglobins injections.

A wise man once uttered a beautiful sentence
“Prevention is better than cure.”

We all know, no person can resist cute pets especially cats and dogs from keeping them at home. You can neither stop them from interacting with other wild animals nor restrict them at home. So, it is recommended that always get your pet and farm animals vaccinated to avoid any casualty or complications.
The vaccines of Rabies Virus for human beings are also available at Ahmeys Clinic. Our experts are always available for vaccination

Rabies-Ahmey clinic


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